
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

DISCIPLINE – 7 Ways to Stay Focused in a Distraction-Filled World

Regardless of what walk of life you come from, you probably have some dreams or goals to which you have aspired. If you’re one of the lucky few who have actually achieved some of those aspirations, then CONGRATULATIONS! It is never an easy task to see something through to the end, whether it’s landing a promotion, or placing the last stroke on a painting, or just finally landing that 360˚ jumping spinning kick. Whatever your motivation, I commend you on discovering the secret to success.
What’s the secret, you ask? I’ll give you a clue: it’s in the title.

Merriam-Webster defines discipline as:

All of those definitions can really be boiled down to discipline as a method of self-control designed to keep one focused on a task. Sounds simple enough, right?

Well, unfortunately, we live in a time of distractions, and these distractions can make it very difficult to keep our heads down and focused on a particular task.

The most prominent distraction is the ever-pervasive social media. How often do you interrupt tasks to check your social media feed or to respond to that familiar “ding” when it goes off?

Or perhaps, you’re more consumerism-minded, like me. You’re constantly scouting for that perfect item online, whether it’s the newest and coolest pre-fab tiny home, or that perfect little midriff pink sweater I’ve been dreaming of, or that stupid plush stuffed-animal-shaped twin bed in the shape of a Pokémon (because everyone needs one of those, right? I mean, look at that girl. Who doesn’t want to be her?)

And how many of us have fallen to the lure of political propaganda throwing their hooks through every media source? These are the worst, because in addition to being distracting… well… they don’t feel very good. Normally, we walk away from banter feeling angry, or drained, or just plain-old stressed out!

For those of us who haven’t quite mastered the art of achievement, the question is: how do we stay focused in a world full of these darned distractions?

Don’t worry. I’ve done the research so you don’t have to. Here are some of the ways that have a proven track of success (and their sources), and a few of my own ideas: 

Make a daily to-do list – When you wake up in the morning, take a few moments to write down tasks that are pertinent to your goal that you can REALISTICALLY complete that very day. It may be as simple as sending an email, or as involved as completing a reclaimed wood side table from start to finish. Adapt your daily task to what your schedule allows for that day. For example, don’t plan to complete your home improvement DIY project on the same day that you have an all-day work conference out of town; instead, you might watch a couple of short YouTube videos during your breaks that help you better understand how to complete your project. Write your list and stick to it. 

Develop healthy habits – Yes, there’s a biological factor to success. If you are to be like a machine revving forward toward your destination, then you better make sure you’re properly maintained. Diet, exercise, and stress-relief techniques are crucial to keeping your mind and body functioning at optimal levels so your way to the top is well-oiled. For example, I personally tend to over-eat, which makes me feel groggy and lethargic. When I keep my diet light and balanced, my energy levels remain more stable for longer periods in the day. Give it a try! 

TURN OFF YOUR PHONE – Believe it or not, you don’t need your phone nearly as much as you think you do. Do you think that truly successful people are constantly holding their phones in hand? No! They’re out in the world, meeting people, exercising, taking time to introspect, staying focused on tasks, etc. Turning off your phone for a few hours a day allows your brain to relax and, in relaxation, become much more creative. Think of it as turning the noise off so you can finally hear yourself think. Don’t be scared. Give it a try. It feels good. 

Remember the Purpose – Sometimes, we get so caught up with work and personal responsibilities that we forget what it’s all for. When we get stuck in a routine, it’s easy to forget our dreams and aspirations. Whether you dreamed of opening a non-profit, or becoming a CEO, or planting a vegetable garden in your backyard, there must have been a good reason you wanted it. This reason or MOTIVATION is different for every person, but it’s absolutely crucial to keep us on the path to our own success. Grab a blank sheet of paper and in the next few days, find a moment to write down the “WHY” to your goal. Hang the sheet where you can see it daily. Read it out loud. Hear yourself declare it. 

Take failure for granted – No one likes the feeling of disappointment but it’s a necessary part of the process. We all fell down when learning to ride a bike; we all faced rejection by some jobs or Universities; we’ve all been stood-up in some form or another… If you keep trying to avoid failure you’re playing it safe, and no one got anywhere by staying cooped up like Quasimodo in their bell-tower forever (yes, I love Disney and I’m not mad at it). In fact, shielding yourself from failure makes it impossible to reach your goal because you are castrating yourself from the life lessons necessary to become ever better, ever faster, and ever stronger. When we fail, we have a chance to re-evaluate how we can avoid the fall next time, and each time we reach a higher level of skill. 

“Keep Your Head Down” – This is one of my absolute favorite snippets of advice by the iconic Idris Elba. No, he’s not talking about hanging your head in shame; he’s talking about not worrying about looking around you to constantly track your progress or to compare your progress to that of others. You can watch the full version HERE.

Good Luck on Your Journey to Discipline and Success! Please feel free to comment below, and remember:

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