
Saturday, August 19, 2017


I am sure you have asked yourself how to have a less stressful life... What am I possibly going to say that would be different than thousands of post out there?

Honestly... probably nothing. The only difference and impact I can make is in sharing my personal techniques on handling stress. Now, are they always easy? Well, that depends! It is different for every person. But in my experience and observation a few methods have proven themselves to be absolutely fool-proof and I will divulge those to you now.

(As I mentioned, some may work for you and some may not, but you won't know unless you try. "Do or do not. There is no try'' This is the advice Yoda gives me from my shiny Star Wars morning coffee mug. Yes, we are all familiar with this tid-bit of advice, but if it has been overstated, it’s because it is true: at what point in your life you going to decide to kick excuses to the curb and change your way of thinking? It’s completely up to you.)
The thing is you can read books, inspirational quotes, internet advice, get a coach, etc... But in the end, if you are not willing to put effort in, then you won't get the results you want. I tell this to my students all the time and when I started in my training in Japanese Martial Arts my teacher told me the same thing and we have never stopped saying it.
Here are some tips:

1. Numero uno:  Music
· Think about your favorite song. Or better yet, go back in time to a moment when you heard a song and it got you moving you butt off... Good. Now hear that song playing at this moment and notice how it makes you feel. I am jamming to my favorite playlist right now, even as I write this. To me, music is the best way to focus and have a stress-free time doing it!

 2. Numero Dos: Physical activity

· Even though mostly known for its benefits to self-defense, fitness, and healthier lifestyle, another way that has help me with handling stress has been Traditional Martial arts. It clears my head of most stress-producing thoughts; helping me focus on what is important at the moment and the things I can control. Stress-producing thoughts are those that take out of the present moment and tamper with your state of mind. For example, as you read this, are you thinking of the bills you have to pay later or the fluctuating stock market or something you said to someone years ago? If so, try going for a run! That will clear the muck right up!

3. Numero Tres:  Eat right

Image result for top eat photos today
· This is a big one for many people. We all have tried at some point to have better control over this essential element. I am talking about food...Yes, what you eat can also cause your body stress. As with most other things, it’s important to strike a balance in our diets: constantly eating food that is too acidic, or fried, or overly-processed can tamper with the natural well being your body is constantly trying to achieve. If your body is out of balance, you will find that your thoughts are also out of balance. I am not an expert on this one but you can check out this blog about healthier life styles here on very good friend of mine's blog Ashni Life Style Solutions.

4. Numero Cuatro: Laugh a little and you will live a little

·   Let go of yourself and laugh at some point in your day. Here is a video for you to have a laugh today! Enjoy every moment you have with your love ones, friends, family, animals, or anything else that make you laugh or giggle. For me, these joyful elements are my Wife, our puppy, my family, and friends. Make sure also give time to be with yourself.

5. Numero Cinco: Mindfulness

Image result for mindfulness photos
Photo by Hospice of Valley
·  You are what you feel, so this is a big one. You can go about integrating mindfulness in several ways. In our classes we teach about posture, character, breathing, awareness, and other elements that are included in Japanese Martial Arts. However, you can also practice it throughout the day no matter what you’re doing. Mindfulness is the art of being fully in the moment and unencumbered by invasive thoughts. For example, when you sit to eat, do you turn off the TV and savor each bite? Or do you eat half-mindedly, arriving at the last bite and not entirely sure how you got there? Mindfulness brings so much peace, and it’s important to practice it even just a few moments each day.

As I mentioned in the beginning, effort goes a long way.  If stress is getting in the way of your goals, are you willing to put the time and effort to change your relationship with stress? There is something my teacher said to me a long time ago that stuck with me from there on and I will leave you with that thought:

"You are what you hear, see, eat, and say". At first I took it in and thought about it… Then I looked at everything in my life which was positive and helped me move forward, becoming a better person in every way. And those are the things I choose to allow in.

Till next time!

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